Squire Fan Club Newsletter
New Squire Single Release - Jesamine!

Squire condense the summer into 2 minutes 45 seconds of pop perfection, with the release of JESAMINE b/w WHEN I TRY, I LIE!This is the hottest record of the year, with the coolest sounds! Available in hot neon pink and cool silver vinyl. A fanfare of trumpets and jingle of harpsichord create a dayglo extravaganza of pop, baroque and music hall, together with the most memorable trumpet solo since Penny Lane! The B-side recalls the best of love-lorn Beatles ballads with lyrical string quartet.This is sunshine pop at its finest, conjuring the psychedelic overtones of the Summer Of Love!In stock...
The Style of Squire - Welcome to the latest Squire Fan Club Newsletter

Welcome back to the latest newsletter, where we consider the enduring connection between Squire and the the striped ‘boating’ blazer! Last weeks newsletter recap of the last six months featured a photo of Anthony on stage in Long Beach, California, wearing one of the iconic jackets that became associated with the bands emerging visual image. This has prompted another reflection of how Squire became associated with that look and the history behind it. Squire arrived on the London scene in 1979, and the photo of the launch of the single ‘Get Ready To Go’ shows the band wearing matching Harrington jackets...
Squire Summer Fun! - The latest newsletter

Welcome to the mid summer Squire newsletter! First of all, to get into the summer mood, we are running a special tee-shirt & CD promotion to email subscribers! If you buy the Squire ‘Its A Mod Mod World’ T shirt, you can have any CD you fancy for £5 - that half price! So there’s a chance to pick up something you may have missed, such as the ‘Live In Tokyo’ recording, or 'Get Ready To Go' album! Something new for summer! Check out the link on the picture below. We’re already half way through the year and it’s a...
The Get Smart In-Store concerts! The Latest Fan Club Newsletter

Welcome to the new Squire Fan Club newsletter, where we put you in the picture and celebrate Fan Club members - old and new! A special welcome to all new members who have signed up to the email list, and also those who have joined the Squire Group on Facebook! On top of posting a regular weekly newsletter here, we always keep in touch with the weekly short email that announces the new newsletter title, news of record releases, upcoming gigs, special offers and discounts. So if you don't have time to keep up with this long-form post, you can still get your...
The Art behind Get Smart! - Welcome to the latest newsletter!

Welcome to the latest Squire Fan Club newsletter where we look at the visual style of Squire releases, and play you the unreleased demo of 'Standing In The Rain', from the Get Smart album! Until the release of Get Smart! in 1983, the record sleeves designs were part of the overall D-I-Y ethos of Squire, prepared and laid out with Letraset and pictures, using rulers and spray-mount glue. The sleeves of the original Hits From 3000 Years Ago LP, No Time Tomorrow, Girl On A Train and The Fan Club Album all follow this style! However, the sound and overall...