Squire Fan Club Newsletter
Newsletter: The Noonday Underground!

Hi and welcome back to our ongoing exploration of the Squire songs that specifically celebrate mod culture! Last time, we looked at "It's a Mod Mod World" and its take on style and identity. This week, we're diving into another mod focused song - “Noonday Underground!” This song might seem like a simple set filler at first listen, but it carries deeper connections to both the original '60s mod scene and our own revival movement. While the music was written specifically as an easy danceable song, with a triplet intro that nods to the Beatles cover of Smokey Robinson &...
Newsletter: The Vinyl Vault!

The Vault Sale: Rare Finds from My Collection! Hi everyone, After a recent clear out, we found all sorts of interesting records and artefacts. The previous rare records newsletter created huge interest, showcasing a few of the rare Squire records - and many of you bought the pink sleeve No Time Tomorrow! Well there’s more! Records from other bands!! We are going to list these for sale, but since they are all wrapped up in the Squire history and have fascinating stories, its a great opportunity to also share some of this background with you before they go off to...
Newsletter: It's A Mod Mod World!

Hi and welcome to the latest newsletter where we dive into some of the Squire lyrics! Last week, in the first instalment of our Squire lyrics deep-dive, we introduced the series by sharing the handwritten lyrics to "It’s a Mod Mod World," along with a glimpse into the initial inspiration behind the song - my sisters reminiscences of the 1960s mod culture jumbled with various images of ride outs, scooters, and the energy of the era. This week, I’m diving deeper into the song itself, reading between the lines so to speak, to connect its lyrics and themes to Mod subculture....
Lyrics! - The Latest Newsletter

Happy New Year form Squire! This week we are starting anew with a deep dive into the lyrics of the Squire songs! While the music is underscored with the rhythm of ensemble playing and the ever characterful melodies, often the lyrics go by unnoticed! Well, to be fair, some jump right off the page, and ‘Its A Mod Mod World’ is a key example! Yet, music's meaning often emerges not from what the artist intended but from the audience's individual and collective responses. Listeners bring their own experiences and interpretations, giving the song its meaning, often with more significance than...
Merry Christmas from Squire! The Squire Fan Club Newsletter

Hi everyone and welcome to the final Squire newsletter of the year. First of all, thank you to everyone who sent, and continue to send messages of condolence and comments on social media. It has really helped to frame Kevin's musical legacy for his family who miss him so much. We would normally reflect on the passing year in this pre-Christmas newsletter, and we'll do just that, but we also want to take the time to celebrate Kevin's crucial contribution to the music. A while back, we shared a newsletter focused on his drumming influences which you can still read...